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  • [LWN] 🌴 Hijacked to Holiday - An Accidental Shortcut to Paradise

[LWN] 🌴 Hijacked to Holiday - An Accidental Shortcut to Paradise

Lunch With Norm's Weekly Newsletter - Influencer Checklist, Tips For Saturated Markets And So Much More

🌴 Hijacked to Holiday - An Accidental Shortcut to Paradise

Find out how my first vacation in years was hijacked in the Caribbean 🌴 

What you’ll find in this week’s newsletter:

  • 🌴 Hijacked to Holiday [True Story]

  • Influencer Checklist

  • 🤔 In Case You Missed It

  • 🌎 Where in the World is Norm

  • 🎙️ Upcoming Episodes

  • 🗞️ Amazon News & Updates

  • 💡 Standing out In a Saturated Market

  • 🤖 AI Prompt of the Week

  • 🤙 Aloha from Hawaii

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from the Beard Guy! 🎄 

Send a holiday message to the Beard Nation in our WhatsApp Group!

[True Story] From Hijack to Holiday 🌴 

My wife, Connie, and I were excited about our first holiday to Barbados in years.

Time to relax for two weeks… WRONG 🙅‍♂️

Little did we know, our flight was about to turn straight into a movie.

About thirty minutes into the flight to our layover destination, Trinidad, ten screaming men stood up and declared they were hijacking the plane.

They rushed the cockpit and demanded to change the flight plan and go straight to Barbados.

I remember thinking, 'This could definitely cut into my beach time.'

The screaming individuals explained there was a coup unfolding in Trinidad, and they would most likely be killed.

We landed in Barbados, and thankfully, no one was hurt.

Fun Fact** The airline was named BWIA. We have flown it before to Jamaica and we nicknamed the airline, But Will It Arrive.

Not to make light of our hijack experience but we ended up in Barbados hours early and went straight to the beach.

Talk about looking at the positives, right?

Everybody stayed cool, and cooler heads prevailed.

It could have been a completely different outcome.

Finding the positive in negative situations is a valuable skill. This mindset can really transform challenges into opportunities.

It's not a matter of if, but when a negative situation arises, especially if you're an Amazon seller.

If you know someone who might enjoy my stories, share this newsletter with the link below 🙂 

— Norm



This tip is brought to you by Levanta

Thanks to the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus Program, more brands are interested in doing affiliate marketing campaigns these days.

Start your affiliate marketing journey with these 6 steps 👇


✅ Know your audience: Clearly define the characteristics of your ideal customer.

PRO TIP: Try tools like SparkToro to narrow down your ideal customer!

✅ Identify ideal partners: Research influencers and affiliates who match your target audience's interests and demographics.

✅ Prioritize your list: Evaluate each influencer's reach, engagement rate, and alignment with your brand.

✅ Set a commission rate: Determine the percentage of sales you're willing to share with your affiliate partners.

✅ Secure collaboration: Reach out to potential partners and negotiate a mutually agreeable commission structure.

✅ Monitor and engage: Track sales, traffic, and influencer performance to ensure a successful campaign.

✅ Maintain relationships: Keep your affiliate partners engaged to foster ongoing collaboration and support.


  • We dig into intricacies of shipping, customs, and Amazon's specific requirements needed for smooth logistics.

  • Avoid simple mistakes that lead to delays, additional costs, and compliance issues.

  • THIS Might Be Costing You Thousands 😱 Make sure your HS codes are correctly identifying your products.

  • Double checking your suppliers HS codes could be the key to saving thousands. Beware! Misclassifying products will lead huge legal consequences.

  • Goal Setting and Tracking: Without proper benchmarks, it’s almost impossible to succeed. Slides from presentation here!

  • FREEBIE 🎉 Andy is also offering complimentary PPC audits for the Beard Nation 😯 Thanks Andy!!

  • Balancing Money and PPC Tools: More money → invest in tools, Less money → focus on manual spreadsheets.


Can you find Norm in the picture above? Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter to see the answer!


You can watch all episodes on YouTube or our Facebook page at 12 pm ET on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!

**Guests and topics are subject to change**

  • SANTA IS HERE!!! Oh wait… That’s Norm in a Santa hat 🎅 

  • Norm will be having a short and sweet episode to wish the Beard Nation a happy holidays!

  • Founder of Online Seller Solutions

  • Vanessa specializes in optimizing catalog, inventory, and account health

  • Dedicated to connecting and sharing knowledge with the community

  • Over 1 million TikTok followers, Gracey Ryback is a social media influencer, award-winning Amazon Live creator, and influencer marketing expert  

  • Generated over multiple 7-figures of revenue for Amazon sellers and brands in the past year

  • Streams with the Amazon Live program as an A-list creator.




This breakdown is provided by Startward Consulting

First, understand how your customer makes a decision to buy:

  • Pros and cons your customers will weigh 🤔 

  • Your buyer’s goals 🎯 

  • The impact your product would have on their routine 🔨 

Creating a customer “persona” can really help you get into their heads and better understand where they’re coming from!

Focus on “the why behind the why”:

  1. Do they like your product because of its consistency, efficiency, longevity? 

  2. Do they like the short-term effects (ex. glowy, radiant skin from a skincare regimen) or the long-term effects (more self-confidence, feeling naturally beautiful, the benefits of consistently taking time for self care)?

  3. What’s stopping customers from buying your product? Which objections do you focus on? 

Product “rejectors” need to be sold on your product from square one, while product “reducers” and acceptors may just need a little clarification or reassurance. 

Target the latter, and your marketing efforts will go much further.

Don’t dumb down your product OR yourself! 

So many people try to simplify their messaging to appeal to more people, but that means they can’t show off the hard work and research they’ve put into their product. 

Put your expertise in the spotlight; customers want to know that they’ve invested in a product created by an expert that knows their stuff!

Need some sales strategies to get your customers buying more with each sale and coming back more often? Download Your Complimentary Training


This tip brought to you by SkillLeap.AI

Landing Page Content Blueprint



Create a blueprint for the content of a landing page dedicated to [YourProduct/Service/Topic]. Outline sections like headline, benefits, features, testimonials, and CTA.


📍 Illuminati 2 in Kauai, Hawaii📍 

Aloha my friends! Coming straight off a helicopter tour on Kauai during Helium 10’s second Illuminati event.

Fun Fact: I’d like to think this was the event Kevin King and I really become friends.

Let us know what events you’d like to in the future in our WhatsApp group. 



Jan 9 - 11 - Las Vegas - Starting at $1995

Jan 21 - 28 - Miami - Mexico - Starting at $300 + Cruise ticket   

Feb 25 - 29 - Cancun - Mexico - Members Only

March 4 - 6 - Las Vegas - Starting at $399

May 18 - 23 - Kauai - Hawaii - Starting at $4997

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And that’s it, Beardos!

P.S. Make sure you don’t miss any updates by joining our community here.

See you next Monday!

- Norm

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