[LWN] 😱 My Partner Brought Down the Mob...

Lunch With Norm's Weekly Newsletter - A/B Testing, AI and More!

🔍 You Never Know People’s Secrets…

The Mob, the FBI, and Witness Protection… Who exactly am I working with?

What you’ll find in this week’s newsletter:

  • ☠️ My Partner Brought Down the Philadelphia Mob [True Story]

  • 🗞️ This Week’s Amazon News & Updates

  • ✅ Using ‘Manage Your Experiments’ to Boost Sales [Case Study]

  • 🎙️ What You Missed Last Week

  • 🤖 FULL ACCESS To Last Week’s AI Ecom Webinar

  • 🌎 Upcoming Amazon Seller Events

BIG NEWS! 🚨 Kevin King and I released our brand new podcast “The Marketing Misfits” last Tuesday. Check out the very first episode here and let me know what you think!

☠️ The Partner Brought Down the Philadelphia Mob [True Story]

Back in the day, two guys approached me to work with their manufacturing company as a salesperson on commission.

The company was run by a salesman and an accountant.

It wasn't long before I was outselling everybody else.

One day, they came up to me and said, "Hey Norm, why don't you become a partner with us?"

They showed me the books, and everything checked out.

We worked together for a few years, and the business was booming.

After a while, we decided to go our separate ways.

That's a whole other crazy story in itself.

Now, here's where it gets interesting...

After we split up, I found out that the accountant wasn't just your average number cruncher.

It turns out, he was the guy who brought down the Philadelphia mob back in the '80s 🫢

Yeah, you read that right.

The accountant had been working with the FBI and was responsible for taking down the mob.

And get this - he was in the witness protection program the entire time we were working together!

I always thought there was something more to him, but I could never quite put my finger on it.

He was an incredible accountant, but now I knew just how good he really was.

It's crazy to think that we had no idea who we were really working with.

I guess it just goes to show, you never know someone's full story.

Your business partner could be a regular Joe, or they could be a former FBI informant hiding out in witness protection!

Because you never know what secrets they might be hiding.

Enjoy the rest of the newsletter.

— Norm

Have You Met People With Suspicious/ No Backgrounds?

Tell me more your stories after answering! (No Names)

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Find last week’s poll results at the bottom of this newsletter


What’s happening in the world of Amazon today…

  • 😱 Seller Central Down Last Friday - Read More

  • 🚨Update to Low Inventory Fees - Read More 

  • 💰Amazon, Apple, Oracle rumored to be Potential TikTok Buyers if ByteDance is Forced to Sell - Read More

  • 🔍 Amazon’s Latest Actions Against Fake Review Brokers - Read More

  • 📈 Amazon’s First Quarterly Results Are In - Read More 

  • 🛒 Rue21 Collapse A Warning To Retails - Read More


Can you find Norm in the picture below? Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter to see the answer!



“Because of our ability to test which images and keywords had higher click-through and conversion rates, we were able to significantly grow sales figures for AccuTec’s razor blades”

The brand Onkata was able to use A/B testing with “Manage Your Experiments” to refine content and optimize listings.

 The Focus:

  • High-quality graphics and text for A+ Content

  • A/B tests for visuals and keywords

Case Study:

  • Experiment: Split test a new image featuring a razor blade in the foreground using Manage Your Experiments

Image A:

Image B:

Which image do you think performed better?

Yep, the one with the blade…

✅ The Results:

  • Sales multiplied 5x after A/B testing!!!

  • Graphic changes improved sales of razor blade refills from $15,000 to $122,000 in one year

Applying Testing Across Brands…

  • Using the same strategy, they applied this to other brands like Onkata

  • Example: Adding "front door" to the product title improved conversion rates by 8%

“Even when there were low moments with our most popular item, other items would take its place because we used the same strategy across the board,”

Read the full case study here


👇 Highlights from last week’s Lunch With Norm podcast episodes👇

ALL ABOUT INDIA - Buying or Selling Of Products

Main Takeaways:

  • Increasing Demand for Diverse Products:📈 The Indian market is characterized by a high demand for new and diverse products

  • Rich Craftsmanship and Unique Products 💎 India has a rich history of craftsmanship in areas such as textiles, and hand-made jewelry

  • Government Support💰 The Indian government has launched various initiatives to boost manufacturing and exports. These initiatives often come with incentives for manufacturing sectors

Why You Should Use Videos to Sell Your Product

  • Automated Video Creation ✅ By simply providing a product URL, Sparka AI can generate multiple video variations, each with different aesthetics and narrations. Takes 20 seconds!

  • AI's Role in Customization 🤖 Easily edit and add your own videos to aid in your videos. But AI technologies are capable of creating tailored video content by analyzing the product details and generating relevant scenes and backgrounds too.

  • Multiple Language Support 🌎 This tool allows for video generation in multiple languages, making it possible to reach a broader audience by catering to different linguistic groups, thereby expanding market reach

BONUS: To get all four FREE videos from Sparka AI, email [email protected] “Beardo”. This freebie is exclusive for the Beard Nation

This is not an affiliate link. I get nothing from this.

Everything You Need to Know About A+ Content

Main Takeaways:

  • The Difference A+ Content Make 🔍 A+ content can significantly improve conversion rates, with increases reported between 3% to 10% for basic A+ content and up to 15% for premium A+ content

  • Interactive Elements 🤯 Premium A+ content supports embedded videos, carousels, and hotspots, which help to keep potential customers engaged longer on the product page

  • Strategic Placement📍 Place engaging elements like videos or carousels at the top of the A+ content to immediately capture customer interest

    • Comparison charts and detailed product comparisons are recommended for inclusion at the bottom of the A+ content to aid in the decision-making process


You can watch all episodes on YouTube or on my Facebook page at 12 pm ET on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!

**Guests and topics are subject to change**

Monday - Avoid This $10 000 Mistake With BOI Reporting

  • Frank Tumminello -  CEO and Co-Founder of FileForms

  • Decade-long background working in the financial services and technology industry

  • An investor, acquirer, and value-creation resource in several financial services, insurance, and healthcare businesses

Watch LIVE 👉 Sign up here

  • Matt Kostan - Co-Founder ProductPinion

  • Serial entrepreneur, speaker, and brand creator

  • Grown multiple brands from zero to millions in sales featured in Forbes, Business Insider, and Entrepreneur

Watch LIVE 👉 Sign up here

Friday - How to Send Google Ads Traffic to Your Amazon Listing

  • John Horn - CEO of StubGroup

  • Ranked by Google in the top 1% of all Google Partners worldwide for performance and customer care.

  • Helped over 2000 clients across 15k campaigns with their paid ads and suspension issues. 

    Watch LIVE 👉 Sign up here


Yiwu, China - 2018📍

In 2018, I went to Yiwu to speak at Source in Asia. I met Bella for the first time. She was my interpreter. We got a long great and afterwards she worked with me as on of our sourcing agents.

💰 10 AI Hacks From The AI Ecom Summit

Here are the first 10 topics, guests, and timestamps from last week’s AI Webinar👇

  1. The Amazon Branding Playbook: Maximizing Storefront Impact Mark De Grasse -  9:33

  1. Create Your Own Custom Trained GPT Bot in Just 5 Minutes - Andrew Erickson - 18:05

  1. Writing Social Media Posts with AI that Don't Suck - Jeff Hunter 27:27

  1. How to Create Ultra High Quality Videos in Minutes - Mike McClary 32:28

  1. Create Powerful Listings based on your Customer Persona - Larisa Herbai 40:10 

  2. How to use AI to Build Your Own Automation Tools Ritu Java 53:57

  1. Getting The Most Out Of AI - Joe Reichsfield - 1:00:27

  1. Prompt Engineering & How AI Models Work - Max Sinclair 1:08:38

  1. 13 Ways AI Can Help Accelerate Your Ecommerce Startup - Colin Campbell 1:17:15

  2. How to Create the Perfect Hook That Will Win Your Customers - Simon Trafford - 1:25:37

Find the whole webinar with 19 AI experts 👉 here



May 11 - London - £349

May 18 - 23 - Kauai - Hawaii - Starting at $4997

May 14 - 16 - Ft. Lauderdale - Starting at $899

June 3 - 5 - Jochberg, Austria - Starting at $3500

July 31 - New York, New York - $188

Aug 4 - 9 - Vancouver & Calgary - Learn more

Looking for events? Get the full list of events in the Amazon Ecom space put together by Danan Coleman


And that’s it, Beardos!

Let me know what you’d like me to feature in the newsletter by replying back to this email.

P.S. Make sure you don’t miss any updates by joining our community here.

See you next Monday!

- Norm

Results from last week’s poll “ Have you had a near death experience”

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