[LWN] 😮 I Stumbled into Amazon... Here's How

Lunch With Norm's Weekly Newsletter - Amazon Images That Convert!

😮 My Amazon Origin Story

What you’ll find in this week’s newsletter:

  • 🚨 FREE Prime Day Revenue Lift For Beardos!

  • ✅ How I Started on Amazon  [True Story]

  • 🤖 Amazon Images That Convert More Sales

  • 🔥 Once in a Lifetime Experience

  • 🗞️ This Week’s Amazon News & Updates

  • 🎙️ What You Missed Last Week

🚨 Beard Nation! Pick Up Your FREE Affiliate Marketing Forecast Here! 🚨

Pick up your Affiliate Marketing Revenue Lift Calculator for Prime Day —purpose-built to help Amazon Sellers project their potential earnings from running affiliate promotions for Prime Day.

  • ✅ Free Forecast: Get a product category projection of your Prime Day earnings and the surrounding month.

  • 📈 Data-Driven: Uses benchmarks from thousands of successful brands during Prime Day.

  • 🔥 Boost Earnings with Affiliate Marketing: Attract high-quality traffic, pay only for sales, and improve Best Sellers Rank. Benefit from Amazon's 10% Brand Referral Bonus.

🚨 🚨🚨 Beardos! Request your FREE forecast → HERE

😮 How It All Started [True Story]

As sellers, we all have our story of stumbling into this crazy world of Amazon.

Here’s mine…

One day, a buddy of mine called me up.

His name was Riz.

We were doing SEO and social media together.

He told me about this program called AMA that Jason Katzenbeck and Matt Clark were selling.

I knew of Jason Katzenbeck from his Archon Media company which had a press release component in it which I learned, implemented, and created a press release company.

But this AMA program was about getting your Kindle books onto Amazon.

Remember… that's pretty much what Amazon was back in the day.

But anyway, after Riz explained this Kindle/Amazon thing I said, “Nah, it's not for me.”

A few years later, he said, “Hey, remember that AMA thing? It's called the Amazing Selling Machine now. It looks like the first two groups are doing really well. They're making millionaires out of these people.”

So he says, “I've got a ticket. Do you want to go to Las Vegas?”

“Let’s do it.”

So I went to Las Vegas.

Jason and Matt put on this incredible opening act for the conference that was fantastic in getting the crowd going.

There was so much hype that it was hard not to get excited.

I thought, “Oh, this looks pretty cool.”

Then, Sir Richard Branson went on stage.

I couldn’t believe this incredible group of speakers!

I remember turning to Riz and said, “One of these days, I'll be on that stage”

We laughed it off.

It may be surprising to hear but I’m very shy and I had a giant fear of public speaking.

After the event, both Riz and I partnered up and learned the in’s and out’s of Amazon.

We jumped in with two feet.

It quickly turned into a full time job.

He went on to have a successful story and I went on to start an agency.

This was back when there was maybe five agencies at the time.

I wanted to continue learning and take my business to the next level.

I heard Jason and the Amazing Selling Machine was putting on a networking event in Mallorca, Spain.

I had to go.

It was high level.

It was very expensive.

But it was 100% worth it.

From that trip, I got to know Jason along with some of the top speakers in the industry.

Many of them, I'm still friends with today.

Fast forward to 2017… Jason called me out of the blue and said “When we met in Mallorca and you were telling stories, he says you really got to me. Would you like to be a speaker at Amazing Selling Machine?

I said, “I’m in.”

Here’s a picture from me on stage.

You may know Amazing Selling Machine now as called SellerCon.

Looking back at 2013, it was funny I was talking about being on that stage and then it actually happening.

Life can be funny like that.

What’s your story?

Enjoy the rest of the newsletter.

— Norm

🚨 How Did You Get Your Start On Amazon?

Share with me your story of how your started!

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Join Kevin King and I on an incredible train journey, through the Rockies this August.

This is an experiential Mastermind – No Presentations. Just great times with like-minded entrepreneurs, bonding and sharing amazing experiences.

16 seats only. Don’t miss out. Learn more → Collective Minds Society Sign Up

The hotel we’ll be staying at!


What’s happening in the world of Amazon today… 

  • 📢 Amazon Aggregator Thrasio Emerges from Bankruptcy, Appoints New CEO - Read More

  • 📈 The Math is Looking Good for Walmart's Automated Warehouses - Read More

  • 🔍 Target Partners with Shopify as it Looks to Accelerate Online Growth - Read More

  • 🚨 Introducing Bulk Upload Tool for AWD Inbound Shipments - Read More 

  • 💰 Amazon Plans to Invest €10 billion in Germany, Driving Innovation and Jobs Across the Country - Read More

  • 🧠 Walmart Was Getting Clobbered by Amazon. The Solution Was a Stroke of Genius - Read More


Courtesy of Jungle Scout

Check out 6 types of images that will attract more shoppers and convert more sales for your Amazon brand…

  1. Multi-Use Callout Graphic - Highlight your contrasting features in a creative way

  1. Show Everything Graphic - If your product comes with multiple products, showcase them all!

  1. Us Vs Them - Contrast Your features with others and help customers understand why yours is better

  1. Size Reference Graphic - Use an object to help provide a reference to the size of the product

  1. “Zoom In” Graphic - Show your product in multiple angles and important features

  1. Before and After Graphic - Quickly convey the postive impact and transformation of your product

🚨 Watch the full video here with the 20 types of Amazon images → Here


Can you find Norm in the picture below? Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter to see the answer!



👇 Highlights from last week’s Lunch With Norm podcast episode👇

How to Use AI for Product Image Optimization

Main Takeaways:

  1. Analyze Reviews With AI to Highlight Pain Points:

    • Use AI to analyze customer reviews and identify features that customers frequently mention positively. Highlight these features in your product images.

  2. Create Seasonal Images:

    • Use AI tools to create seasonal variations of your product images to keep your listings relevant throughout the year.

  3. Optimize for Mobile:

    • Ensure that your product images are optimized for mobile viewing, as many customers shop on their phones. AI can help identify the best image formats and sizes for mobile devices.

  4. Generate Data-Driven Titles:

    • Use AI to test and optimize product titles for relevance and effectiveness in driving clicks and conversions.

  5. Implement A/B Testing:

    • Use AI to conduct A/B tests on different product images and descriptions to determine which ones perform best in terms of engagement and conversion.

Check out Jungle Scout → here


You can watch all episodes on YouTube or on my Facebook page at 12 pm ET on Wednesday!

Guests and topics are subject to change*

Wednesday -  What ACTUALLY Works Today!? Advanced Amazon Tactics in 2024

About George Meressa:

George is the CEO and Founder of ClearAds. She has been in Digital advertising since 2009, working on a wide range of services including Google, Amazon, Bing, LinkedIn and Facebook pay per click platforms. He has worked with hundreds of advertisers across the world in numerous industries and sectors.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  1. How has the PPC landscape changed over the last few years?

  2. What strategies are people implementing that have seen good success with PPC?

  3. What tools would George recommend using to help management?

Join us us 12 pm ET on Wednesday! If you have a question for Jake, email me and I’ll make sure we ask it on Wednesday 😎

Watch LIVE 👉 Sign up here

The Latest Marketing Misfits Episode

Join Kevin King and Norm Farrar and special guest Michael Lovitch on this exciting episode of Marketing Misfits. Find out how Michael was able to find his path as an entrepreneur by staying true to himself and his morals. Michael shares his stories of how being true to your character will inevitably lead to enemies.



July 31 - New York - $188

Aug 4 - 9 - Vancouver/Banff/Calgary - $5997

August 27 - New Jersey - $307

Sept 17 - 19 - Seattle - Now $499, Regularly $599

Oct 29th - 30th - New York - Starting from $495


And that’s it, Beardos!

Let me know what you’d like me to feature in the newsletter by replying back to this email.

P.S. Make sure you don’t miss any updates by joining our community here.

See you next Monday!

- Norm

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