[LWN] 😱 OH NO! It Happened Again...

Lunch With Norm's Weekly Newsletter - Yet Another Travel Nightmare

When a Taxi Ride Turns Terrifying!😱

What you’ll find in this week’s newsletter:

  • 🚨 FREEBIE For Beardos!

  • 🔥 When a Taxi Ride Turns Terrifying [True Story]

  • 🗞️ This Week’s Amazon News & Updates

  • ✅ How to Plan for Prime Day With Affiliate Marketing!

  • 🎙️ What You Missed Last Week

🚨 Beard Nation! Pick Up Your FREE Affiliate Marketing Forecast Here! 🚨

Pick up your Affiliate Marketing Revenue Lift Calculator for Prime Day —purpose-built to help Amazon Sellers project their potential earnings from running affiliate promotions for Prime Day.

  • ✅ Free Forecast: Get a product category projection of your Prime Day earnings and the surrounding month.

  • 📈 Data-Driven: Uses benchmarks from thousands of successful brands during Prime Day.

  • 🔥 Boost Earnings with Affiliate Marketing: Attract high-quality traffic, pay only for sales, and improve Best Sellers Rank. Benefit from Amazon's 10% Brand Referral Bonus.

🚨 🚨🚨 Beardos! Request your FREE forecast → HERE

💀 When a Taxi Ride Turns Terrifying… [True Story]

25 years ago, I was on vacation in the Dominican Republic.

This was when there were barely any resorts.

Back then, there were mostly dirt roads and small towns and villages.

Something like this

It was our last day at our hotel and we were heading back to the airport to catch our flight.

The airport was about a half an hour away.

The taxi picked us up and we booked it through this small village.

The roads were extremely narrow, and this guy did not slow down.

What it felt like

I've seen this before in other countries that I’ve traveled to and thought, “This guy know how to drive. He’s a local. I'm not too worried.”

But just as I finished that thought, the guy drove right off the road!

The van hit a bump and rolled completely upside down.

This is what it felt like → Watch Me

I didn't have my seatbelt on.

When we rolled, I was literally doing yoga positions.

Luckily, my wife was wearing her seatbelt.

I never knew I could reach my legs over my head until that day…

I got banged up and ended up with a giant gash down my shin.

The driver smashed out the window, crawled out, and ran away, leaving us in the wreckage.

The villagers of the town came over, curious about what had just happened.

But none wanted to help.

Probably 15 minutes later, the driver came back with a winch and managed to get the van out.

The van was totalled, so we had to wait and find another cab to drive us to the airport.

We were late to the airport, and I still hadn't treated my wound.

When we arrived, the airline wouldn't let me on the flight.

So guess what happened…

I got the plastic wrap out and wrapped it up tightly.

No cleaning, no nothing 😬

The airline gave us the “okay” and we headed out on the next flight.

In life and in business, sometimes you have to play the hand you're dealt.

While you can control certain aspects, your success ultimately depends on how well you adapt to the rest.

In other words, sometimes you gotta get the plastic wrap out.

Enjoy the rest of the newsletter.

— Norm

Do You Have a Travel Horror Story? 💀

Write me your stories, and I'll feature them in the next newsletter!

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Previous Poll Results 👇

These are the responses from my newsletter two weeks ago. I love reading your thoughts every week!

🚨 Find the story from the poll above → here


What’s happening in the world of Amazon today…

  • 🛑 TikTok to pause European e-commerce push to focus on US market - Read More

  • 🤖 Learn how Amazon uses AI to spot damaged products before they’re shipped to customers - Read More

  • Amazon gets FAA Approval That Allows it to Expand Drone Deliveries For Online Orders - Read More

  • 🚚 Jeff Bezos once picked up the phone and called Amazon Customer Support to make a point and set off 'whole chain of events' - Read More

  • ✅ Walmart confirms new shopping experience is ready to use – and CMO promises it will ‘reshape’ how customers shop - Read More

  • 🧐 Unifor withdraws Amazon union applications, citing ‘suspiciously high’ employee data - Read More


Can you find Norm in the picture below? Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter to see the answer!



👇 Highlights from last week’s Lunch With Norm podcast episode👇

Get The Most Out of Prime Day with Affiliate Partnerships

7 Takeaways From This Episode:

  1. Engage Early with Affiliates Before Big Events:

    • Start communicating with your affiliates months in advance to prepare for Prime Day promotions.

  2. Create Exclusive Affiliate Deals:

    • Offer special deals or higher commissions for affiliates to promote during Prime Day or other events.

  3. Provide High-Quality Promotional Materials:

    • Supply affiliates with professional images, videos, and detailed product descriptions to enhance their promotional efforts.

  4. Offer Training and Resources:

    • Educate affiliates on your products and marketing strategies through webinars, guides, and training sessions. Make them feel like they are apart of something big!

  5. Optimize Product Listings:

    • Ensure your product listings are fully optimized with relevant keywords, high-quality images, and comprehensive descriptions.

      • BONUS TIP: See if you can add the influencers you use, affiliates in product images and A+ content ( Make sure you get their consent)

  6. Try to Implement a Tiered Commission Structure:

    • Motivate affiliates with a tiered commission structure that rewards higher performance with increased payouts.

  7. Encourage Pre-Prime Day Promotions:

    • Have affiliates start promoting your deals before Prime Day to build anticipation and early traffic.

🚨 🚨🚨 Beardos! Request your FREE forecast


You can watch all episodes on YouTube or on my Facebook page at 12 pm ET on Wednesday!

Guests and topics are subject to change

Wednesday - Using “Taco Sauce” To Boost Search Rank

  • Brian R. Johnson - Co-Founder and CPO of DeepM.ai

  • 17 year career in eCommerce

  • Grown brand sales by over $3.0 Billion and counting

  • Also Beard Nation Favorite

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  1. What is "taco sauce" (t.a.c.o.s.a.s.)?

  2. How do sellers find the 'taco sauce' data?

  3. How do sellers use the 'taco sauce' data to crush it?

  4. What technology is available now to rank products on Amazon better?

Join us us 12 pm ET on Wednesday! If you have a question for Brian, email me and I’ll make sure we ask it on Wednesday 😎

Watch LIVE 👉 Sign up here

The Latest Marketing Misfits Episode

Check the most recent episode of the Marketing Misfits with Norm and Kevin!



July 31 - New York - $188

Aug 4 - 9 - Vancouver/Banff/Calgary - $5997

August 27 - New Jersey - $307

Sept 17 - 19 - Seattle - Now $499, Regularly $599

Oct 29th - 30th - New York - Starting from $495


And that’s it, Beardos!

Let me know what you’d like me to feature in the newsletter by replying back to this email.

P.S. Make sure you don’t miss any updates by joining our community here.

See you next Monday!

- Norm

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