[LWN] 😱 Mugged in the Streets of New York...

Lunch With Norm's Weekly Newsletter - Amazon News & Updates

🗽 Gangs of New York …

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What you’ll find in this week’s newsletter:

  • 🗽 Gangs of New York [True Story]

  • 🗞️ Amazon News and Updates

  • 😮 An Amazon Seller Guide to SEO

  • 🎙️ Social Media Game Changer [Upcoming Episode]

  • 🚀 The Marketing Rocket Ship With Steve Simonson

Luxe Weavers Grew 45% YoY  

Luxe Weavers started with just $200 in investments and a small team of three people passionate about bringing customers high-quality textiles at any price point.   

Now it’s an eCommerce juggernaut, projected to hit seven figures and operating out of three warehouses across the country. By signing up with Walmart Marketplace, Luxe Weavers opened a new network of customers, tools for scale, and technical support that helped them grow.  

Want to grow like Luxe Weavers? Start selling on Walmart Marketplace now and get up to 50% off referral fees and fulfillment solutions.* 

 *Conditions apply 

🤦‍♂️ Gangs of New York [My True Story]

Back in the 80s, I was working with this producer to put on a show at the Palladium night club in New York City.

It was late morning.

The show started around midnight, and by the time we got back to the hotel, it was about three or four in the morning.

My wife went to bed, but I wanted to go grab some food.

There was a place just down the street.

So anyway, this little deli was open, just about a half a block away.

I went down there to grab a quick bite.

They had great cheesecake.

I should mention that New York, back in those days was very violent.

It is not like the New York it is today.

There was violence, gangs, and a whole lot of corruption.

It was a tough place.

As I left the deli, I saw three guys come up behind.

I had a gut feeling they weren't friendly.

I was about to get mugged.

Although I had a lot of training in these situations (I studied karate, I was a boxer, and I was in the reserves), I had no weapons and it was going to be three against one.

I was going to lose this fight no matter what.

They got closer and closer.

Right when they were at the point of grabbing me

I put my hand in my left pocket and held out my hand like I had a gun.

I swung around fast and yelled, “DIE M#$@$ER F#$@#ERS!!!”

They ran off, and I avoided being mugged.

I scared the hell out of them!

Of course, I wouldn't recommend doing that, but I got out of the situation.

This experience taught me that in business, unexpected challenges will happen.

There’s always going to be times when you’re not fully prepared for a situation.

And that’s okay.

It's crucial to stay calm, think on your feet, and project confidence.

Enjoy the rest of the newsletter.

By the way, my friend Talal Asad is putting on an awesome trip in several weeks in Amman for a Jordan Sourcing Trip. You can check it out here.

— Norm


What’s happening in the world of Amazon today… 

  • 😮 Costco finally made a long-awaited change (just in time for Amazon Prime Days) - Read More 

  • 🔍 Amazon's Q2 will likely surprise you - Read More

  • 🧐 Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez show up hand-in-hand for 'summer camp for billionaires' - Read More 

  • 🔥 Amazon employee hired ‘on the spot’ after they answered Jeff Bezos' two most important interview questions - Read More 

  • 💰 Jeff Bezos to sell Amazon shares worth about $5 Billion after stock hits record high - Read More 

  • 🛑 Brands fear TikTok Shops promo pullback will dent revenue - Read More 



Use an AI summarizer like MaxAI to easily identify pain points.

  1. Identify the competitors of your product category — for example portable waterproof speakers

  2. Go to the listing of your competitors/niches. Let’s take a look at a JBL speaker.

  1. Use Max AI to summarize the page and extract any information you are looking for.

  1. Use the prompt above and tailor your prompt. You can identify gaps in the market using negative reviews on your competitors listings. Rinse and repeat with different listings.


Can you find Norm in the picture below? Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter to see the answer!



👇 Highlights from last week’s Lunch With Norm podcast episode👇


7 Key Takeaways:

  1. Diversify Revenue Channels:

    • Relying solely on marketplaces like Amazon, Etsy, or eBay for sales can be risky. It's crucial to diversify revenue channels by building and investing in your own website (e.g., Shopify) and utilizing various marketing strategies like SEO and paid ads.

  2. Know What People Are Searching For:

    • Different search terms may require different types of content to rank effectively. For instance, "inflatable kayaks" and "best inflatable kayaks" show different types of results (e-commerce pages vs. blog posts). Conduct proper keyword research to understand these nuances and create targeted content accordingly

  3. Add Helpful Info to Your Product Pages:

    • Collection pages on e-commerce sites are often too thin, containing just titles and products. Adding relevant content, such as buyer guides, below the products can help incorporate long-tail keywords and improve the page's topical relevance. This makes it easier for Google to understand and rank the page.

  4. Optimize Meta Titles and Descriptions:

    • While meta descriptions are no longer direct ranking factors, they can still impact click-through rates. Including promotional information or deals in meta titles and descriptions can make them more enticing and improve conversion rates.

  5. Focus on Impactful On-Page SEO:

    • Prioritize SEO efforts that yield significant returns. For example, adding content to collection pages and optimizing internal links are more impactful than updating meta descriptions. Efficient use of time and resources on high-impact areas is crucial.

  6. Use Blogs to Help Your Store:

    • Blog traffic is often informational and may not directly lead to conversions. However, blog posts should be used to support the overall SEO campaign. Include relevant calls to action (CTAs) in blog posts to guide visitors to product or category pages, enhancing their journey from information gathering to purchasing.

  7. Think About What People Want:

    • Understanding user intent behind different search queries helps in creating content that meets users' needs. This increases the likelihood of ranking higher and attracting the right audience.

    🚨 Grab Joshua’s Free SEO Audit - Free Website Audit


You can watch all episodes on YouTube or on my Facebook page at 12 pm ET on Wednesday!

Guests and topics are subject to change*

Wednesday - Streamline Your Social Media With AI 

What You Can Expect:

I’ve been very excited for this upcoming episode. You are going to be blown away with how easy it is to implement AI into your social media marketing. It’s a game-changer.

Basically a click of a button, you will have graphics, templates, and so much more.

You’re not going to want to miss this.

Watch LIVE 👉 Sign up here


Is it just me or is this just wrong.

My wife woke up and found out where our dog, Dallas, really sleeps at night. He’s getting a little too comfortable….

The Latest Marketing Misfits Episode

The Marketing Misfits (Kevin King and I) are here with Steve Simonson, a lifetime entrepreneur having founded, purchased, built, and sold numerous companies over the past 3 decades.

We talk about the misconceptions about doing business in China, the innovation and marketing needed to succeed in 2024, and keeping up with AI.



July 23 - 25 - Amman, Jordan - $50

July 31 - New York - $188

Aug 4 - 9 - Vancouver/Banff/Calgary - $5997

August 27 - New Jersey - $307

Sept 17 - 19 - Seattle - Now $499, Regularly $599

Oct 29th - 30th - New York - Starting from $495


And that’s it, Beardos!

Let me know what you’d like me to feature in the newsletter by replying back to this email.

P.S. Make sure you don’t miss any updates by joining our community here.

See you next Monday!

- Norm

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